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Home > Public Area > New Users > Terms and Conditions

  • The access to DOI registration service through mEDRA is subject to the payment in advance of an Annual Fee.

  • This includes the codification of a quantity of digital objects depending on the DOI Bracket for which the Registrant has declared to opt at the signing of the Contract, as indicated by the chart below.

  • In case of a number of registrations exceeding the quantity included in the annual fee, a price per unit, connected to the chosen bracket is required.
    Exceeding DOIs will be invoiced at the end of the annual contract.

  • For the first year the fee - with the number of correspondent DOI - is calculated for the months in which the Registrant benefits the service.

  • New customers have to consider € 150 more as start up cost.

  • DOI Bracket Annual Fee DOIs included Price per unit for exceeding DOIs
    0 180 30 DOIs included 4.50
    1 350 75 DOIs included 3.80
    2 600 170 DOIs included 2.70
    3 900 350 DOIs included 2.00
    4 1,350 650 DOIs included 1.60
    5 2,000 1,300 DOIs included 1.10
    6 3,000 2,550 DOIs included 0.90
    7 4,500 5,000 DOIs included 0.65
    8 5,200 6,500 DOIs included 0.55
    9 6,000 8,000 DOIs included 0.45

    All the sums indicated in the price list are expressed in Euros and intended excluding VAT.

    mEDRA provides universities and public research centres in need of multiple registrants or unlimited DOI registrations with a specific, tailor-made offer. For more information:

    mEDRA customers also have access to Crossref's services, thanks to which publishers can access an international platform dedicated to academic and scientific publishing and increase the visibility and citability of their publications.
    Access to the service is subject to an annual fee, depending on the DOI band they belong to, and a supplement for each DOI (only for those enabled to the CR service) from € 0.75 to € 0.80, again depending on the band.

    DOI Bracket Annual Fee € DOIs included each year Price per unit for exceeding DOIs Additional annual fee* for Crossref services Additional cost for DOI enabled to CR services
    0 180 30 DOIs included 4.50 250 0.80
    1 350 75 DOIs included 3.80 250 0.80
    2 600 170 DOIs included 2.70 400 0.80
    3 900 350 DOIs included 2.00 400 0.80
    4 1,350 650 DOIs included 1.60 600 0.75
    5 2,000 1,300 DOIs included 1.10 600 0.75
    6-9 Specific conditions are provided for customers joining the service from and including DOI bracket 6 onwards.
    * Subject to annual turnover verification, as required by Crossref

    Download pdf price list

    For further commercial and policy information, please contact: